Brittany's Shoreline II

Heading home

Sunrise. View on Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Looking out

...♪♫ ♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫...

~ This is Bretagne too! ~

Sunrise in Saint-Malo. View on English Channel

071.365 | On the way home

Saint Malo - Bretagne

Pointe du Grouin

072.365 | Visionary

Brittany's Shoreline I

Paysages de Bretagne - Coucher du soleil à la plage de Saint-Malo, Bretagne, France

Anywhere in the world

Saint Malo old city

Sunrise in Saint-Malo. View on English Channel

~ ☺The Joker ~

View on Fort National. Saint-Malo, France

France-001044 - Fort National

Cathedrale de St. Malo

St Malo Diving

Du Guesclin

Première baston - First offensive

Saint Malo, Fort-National

Fort du Guesclin

three kings

Lines in the sand

Splash II

Dark Heaven

St Malo Panoramic (Bretagne)

Dark Heaven II


Anse Du Guesclin (Bretagne, France)

Mermaid Bathroom

Plage des Chevrets

Fort National

Saint-Malo le gué vers le grand Bé

Plage de la Fosse aux Vaults

Saint Lu'

Premier passage