Blue Hour Marina

autumn walk / őszi séta

Smile of a Nymph

Ericsson Kista

Mystical Fire Fans

The bicycle.

A Sheer Gaze

Playing With Fire

Sumpan Ski Slope I

nice view for flowers

Week #35: Waiting

On the edge

Ericsson Kista

View at Goland

Det som göms i snö kommer fram i tö

Channel of light

Popping a balloon


A world of capsules

Ghost hour

Last skating tour this season?




Lake Vallentunasjön (Gustavs udde) Take II

Der Sturm, Önstalund, Upplands-Bro, Schweden HDR

around the pond

Sunset in the fields

Backglidning Granholmstoppen

Efter löpturen

Önstalund, Upplands-Bro, Sweden

Backglidning Granholmstoppen

Bällsta Bay Area II

A city rises

Världen fattar fel.

september days

Summer is gone

Lillsjöskogen, Upplands-Bro, Sweden HDR

Endless beautiful nature By Sweden @visitsweden @visitsweden @igersstockholm

Late Summer City I

Four Arms Dusk

Late Summer City II