


Through the Mill

Beat Me, Kick Me, Call Me Trash

Oak Manor Motor Hotel - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1985

Fence Lizard - Sceloporus undulatus hypnotized

Reflective Waters

LSU Football 2006

Where'er we may be, may our views be vast, and unobstructed.

Good Morning

0127 Untitled (side view)

back view

Bee’s-eye View #2

full front view

Side view

Under the Moss

where tigers dwell...

Old Gazebo 3

Same Puddle...Different View

greetings from Louisiana

Paradise Lost

hidden spots in a city

Textured Oak


St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

after the fall

LSU Lakes at Sunset - Baton Rouge, LA

reaching out

7th day leftovers

And this.

Happy Tyrsday World :) from me and this happy magical tree!

Wishing us each time-enough <3

Ok and another #GoTeamCloud!

Happy Thor'sDay World!!

Same tree-Different day. Wishing us all new found treasures in the everyday!

March Clouds. I lub'em

'n this

Now the day is o'er Night is drawing nigh Shadows of the e'ing steal across the sky <3