one more please

White Goose On A Foggy Morning

HIWI: The Construction

Radar Love

Reflctions On A Foggy Morning

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Fly me to the moon...

Houston Weather Forecast

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

American Goldfinch

Petals & Sepals: Best Buds

"Have you seen my nuts?"

Bad Hair Day

Cooper's Hawk

down, a little to the left, that's it!

The Pond

Blue Jay

A Pond in The Morning

A view along a long table


Tomball Sunrise

Bayou ran over its banks

Bald cypress trees out of the water

No place like home -

Bermuda Lounge

Titan Shifter

Cypress Creek Spring, TX

Houston National Cemetery

look for the tree in the middle of the path

Tomball TX 01-20-13-1863


Divine Painter

Woodlands TX 11-28-12-176

Tomball TX 01-20-13-1793

Camera: 1

Soothing Falling Water

#cows #ithinkimintexas 139:366

Abandoned Farm in TX

Sunday Sunset

Tomball TX 01-20-13-1796