Black Skimmer

The Lady of the Sea

The Lonely Docks

Fate Took It's Course

"Fall not in love, therefore... it will stick to your face." ~ National Lampoon

Kelly Clarkson

Fort Pickens

Seventeen [Explored]

The Glorious Daybreak of Gulf Breeze


View from a customers garage!! It looks like #corona time to me!! #gulfbreeze #florida #workgrind

Flying The Friendly Skies

Skies Flame [Explored]


Another Perfect Day

Oaks View

View from my office

Autumn Whispers To The Falling Leaves

Gila & The Painter

The view from Bagelheads

Fort Pickens

Far away from the tantrums

The first beach day of 2015

Dreams of mine

Sunrise at Fort Pickens

Convenient bench

Sunset on Pensacola Bay

FLORIDA - 2.28 - 3.4.13 (set) 8

A point to tread

The Bay

Pleasant afternoon

Fort Pickens

Front Row Seat

Peace out Florida

Pensacola Bay Sunrise

Perdido Bay, Lillian, Alabama

Play ball

Pensacola Bay13

Pensacola Bay12

Escambia Bay - Pensacola, Florida