Hodenpyl Dam Pond, Little Mac Bridge, Big Manistee River

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 1/3

1911 Avery 40-120 HP Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 2/9]

1918 #7 Steam Engine Locomotive and Train (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 8/9]

Gas & Kerosene-powered Tractors (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 1/9]

1/2 Scale Version of the 65 HP Case Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 4/9]

1919 Case 65 HP Steam Traction Engine, the roofless model (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 3/9]

Steam-Powered Whistle Tower at the Buckley Old Engine Show [BOES 9/9]

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 2/3

1913 “Little Bull” Three-wheeled Bull Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 5/9]

1938 Fordson Row Crop (“All-Around”) Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 6/9]

Viking Man

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 3/3

Those Who Answered The Siren's Call Were Never Heard From Again

View from the Manistee River Trail

The Volvo With New Shoes #2

Before #3

Pouring It Out

Along the North Country Trail

Hiking the North Country Trail

Turnip enjoying the view.

Trees along the North Country Trail

Michigan playground.

Nice hike yesterday. #PureMichigan

#PureMichigan #CloudPorn #ManisteeRiver #NorthernExposure #SpringTime #FineTimes

Ox Bow on the Manistee River

Fall colors


CFF Xtreme Hike

CFF Xtreme Hike

CFF Xtreme Hike

#PureMichigan That inaugural hike did me wonders!

CFF Xtreme Hike

#PureMichigan love affair and the beloved #Manistee.

CFF Xtreme Hike

Long Road Ahead

CFF Xtreme Hike

Fall colors

2009-09-06 0909 Manistee River Trail 011