The Eastern Red Cliffs of Glacier NP {DSC_7854_tmc}

Wild Goose Island

St Mary Lake and a View of Mountains (Glacier National Park)

A Look Across the Mountains, Valleys, and Grassy Meadows at Piegan Pass (Glacier National Park)

Mountain View

Remnants Of The Storm

Mountains Around Logan Pass (Glacier National Park)

Glacial Art

SDIM0253 Medicine Grizzly Lake viewed from Triple Divide summit

SDIM8327 Mount James, Glacier National Park, US

SDIM0256 Split Mtn and Hudson Bay Creek basin

Flinsch summit towards Mount Helen.

Black Waterfalls

Pacific Creek

"Going-to-the-sun" mountain

DSC08848 Mount Stimson

Risign Sun Motor Lodge

Furious Mary

A Valley in the Mountains

St Mary Lake, Wild Goose Island and a View to the West (HDR, Wide Angle)

A Stream in the Mountains (Glacier National Park)