Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

NS8114 Birds eye view.

What Once Was.


'Led sled'

Doolittle Raid Reunion B-25 Gathering

[Dayton View Bridge], Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Globemaster III

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Going to be a Trail Someday

205 Miles to Cleveland

It Sleeps Next To Me Nightly

Late Saturday Afternoon in Dayton

Growing Weeds

Hidden Bridge in the Glen | Yellow Springs, Ohio

Dayton 06-2019 3 - South Main Street View From Ceowne Plaza Hotel

East First Street

McCook Field Wind Tunnel (1918)

Passing Train

Layers of Natural Reality

Sunrise on the Prairie

Tall Grass in High Summer (Landscape)

Foggy and Frozen

Putting In

Autumn Woods

Female Bobolink?

Oasis in the Glen | Yellow Springs, Ohio

Foggy and Frozen

Foggy and Frozen

After the fire on E. Fourth

American Kestrel

Sunset at the Apple Street Floodgate

Turbulent Flow

Dayton Skyline


The Bridge is Out

Sunflowers & More Sunflowers

The Cascades of Glen Helen

Ohio Landscape

Frosted Prairie