Richmond Bridge

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)

Running short of light -Shortest day of the Year

Trains In Tasmania - 2012 at Lowdina

Trains In Tasmania - Ballast at Danby Siding

Richmond - convict bridge

Grey Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus cinereus)

View over Sorell from Elizabeth and Jono's house

Gunners Quoin views towards Bridgewater

How's my side view?

the longest night 172/365

View over Sorell from Elizabeth and Jono's house

Ohhhh there it is !! Hobart Town... the drive up was through extremely low cloud, but at the view of views of was graced with some awesome views. This is a must when you are in Hobart. You can either take the 14km drive up the mountain or hike from the sp

Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala leachi)

Airplane overhead

Salad vegetables

Track 360

Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius diemenensis)

Ezra admires the view, Shag Bay

Mount Direction

View over Sorell from Elizabeth and Jono's house

Ballast Nearing Brighton

certainty [explore #10 12/05/2015]

Trains In Tasmania - TR09 With a Short Log Train

2011 + 2006 at Danby

Suspended Animation

Trains In Tasmania - 2100 Climbs Out of Brighton

Mist - Young Eucalypts

Richmond Bridge

Evening Clouds #1, Geilston Bay

Trains In Tasmania - 2117 Tea Tree on No 43

Pooley Wines

Trains In Tasmania - TR16 + TR14 Tea Tree

Mist - Asymmetry

knowing magic


Wave, Seven Mile Beach

2117 on the roller coaster at Tea Tree

Trains In Tasmania - 2053 near Tea Tree

Richmond Bridge, Tasmania