The View From Our Front Door

Connecticut State Capitol ~ Hartford ~ Connecticut

Werkzeugkasten mit Rückspiegel / Tool Box With Rear-View Mirror

State Capital Tower & Dome, Hartford, Connecticut

Eingestrichenes C / The Thin Red Line

Ein Stück Parkdecktorte / Park View

under the founders bridge

South Street Open Space - Vernon Connecticut

Day 25: Connecticut

Looking up into a grey sky

On the street where he lived...

Hockanum River - Vernon, Connecticut

View from Fox Hill, Rockville, Connecticut

Rockville View

Winter In New England - Let It Snow

Hartford Yard Goats game

Hartford Skyline

God Created All Men, But Samuel Colt Made All Men Equal

Woodland Meadow.

'gold in the grid

A sight for sore eyes.

Hartford Connecticut - Mark Twain House and Museum - Historic Architecture

Softly As An Evening Sunset

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Entrance

Sternchen auf schiefer Bahn / Asterisk Aslant

Hartford Connecticut - Linden Apartments - 1880 - Victorian Architecture

Besorgte Böschung / Frowning Slope

Hartford Connecticut - Mark Twain House and Museum - Historic Architecture

Ideallandschaft / Ideal Landscape

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Gallery

It’s a good morning

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Entrance

Hartford Connecticut~ Traveler Insurance Tower ~ Wadsworth Anthenum Museum

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Gallery

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Gallery

Parklandschaft / Landscape Park

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Entrance ~ Lobby

Morning Glory

Old stone bridge in winter

Nasser Keil / River's Wedge

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Sculpture

To find one's self, look inward.