Hot seat

Metamorphosis has Begun

Independence Hall Tower Stairs

Philly City View 1 (IR)

Philly City View 2 (IR)

Philadelphia City Hall (Pennsylvania)

Broad Street Historic District - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

Timing in my world.


City View

River Shadows and Silhouettes

the Ballerina

Rocky Balboa Steps - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

81 | 366: Innovation Base

Independence Hall - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

The Union League of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

Rocky Balboa Statue - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

Subliminal Suggestion

Phillytown looking SUPER in Green...

brick by brick

Whitetail Buck Posing

Peeking Moon

Late Afternoon

Cityscape (IR)

Cityscape (IR)

Boathouse Row

One Down

Back for more! The City of Brotherly Love.

Autumn Art

City Lights

Autumn in Phillytown ~

On the Waterfront

river solitude

A Plain Ole Ben

Sweetness Follows

Schuylkill at Sunset: Philadelphia's Boathouse Row - October, 2016

Attracted to the Sun

Boathouse Row

Philly Reflections

Dusk City

Navy Yard Bridge

Strawberry Mansion