Peoria, IL

Cool Breeze

Approaching Peoria

Spirit of Peoria

Illinois' Wildlife Prairie State Park

Distant Rain


The things she's seen...

TP&W Chief Dispatcher

Mini Moon Bridge

Turbulant Sky

Bear Belly Slide 1 of 4

Under an Anvil

Cougar - Bath Time

Pair of Cougars

Cougar - licking his chops

Is it going to be like this all day?

Country at Twilight 05102015

Another view of the stones

Peoria State Hospital

A pair of eagles having a discussion


Nitrogen Enriched

Early Fall Colors

Peoria Skyline Et Cetera

Mouth of the Whale

Winding Path

Mossy Ridge

Downtown Peoria

Downtown Peoria, IL

Darkness at Noon

BNSF Peoria Sub opens after THE FLOOD OF 2013.

Flood and Strike

Downtown Peoria

Mysterious Flowering Pink Tree 05232013


Peoria, Illinois at dusk

Chicago Blues


It's cold up here in Peoria peoples. A whopping 7 degrees right now, but it sure is pretty!