Out of Nowhere

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing


SP&S 700 Smoke Plume Black and White

Shroom City Annex

My HDR lunch view

"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move"

Shroom City

Glorious Mt Hood

my image

lady buggin

Spokane Portland And Seattle 700 at Oaks Park

My lunch view -- Fir Acres Estate Gardens

Ravine view

#willamettefalls from above Oregon City. This view will be gone soon once they tear down the abandoned lumber mill and redevelop this into retail. #progressnotprogress #americana #dyingbreed

Fish fountain -- my lunch view at the Fir Acres Estate Gardens

upside down trees

My morning meeting view

River View

Things you see on Google Street View

My lunch spot 2 (other view)

Big Sky


All of my ducks..err geese..in a row (Explore 12/10/13)

Elk Rock island park,OR,USA

Muddy Snow

On the Beach

The Incoming Fog (Story)

Hole #4

Sauntering around wild Portland

The pond by the river

Sun, field, magnolia

Willamette Falls

A do-over of an old muse

The Sellwood Bridge

Mysterious Lights of Tryon Creek

Bridge at the Pond

Rape Fields of Devon

Near Home

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