Plant picture above the city.

Overlooking Bisbee

Overlooking Bisbee

Bisbee at dusk

Looking Down!

A wagoneer area.

Shadows cast onto an orange sidewalk by chainlink picture frames at a stripmine scenic overlook.

Please Pick Up

Bisbee, AZ 131a

View from the Old City Park, Bisbee Arizona

audrey's inn

62 erie st.

View Through

shady dell

Beautiful Downtown Bisbee

Colorful Details


Pull up to the Shady Dell

Webpictures of badwater pools at the bottoms of pitmines.

Up to the Grand Entrance

VIew of Strip Mine

Bisbee Waterfall

0U1A8599 Bisbee - bug nest in hole in a wall mural


House Finch

Abandoned Building, Naco Az

The Pit

Dramatic sky over the Bisbee Hills #2

Bisbee Arizona - early morning at the 900-ft-deep Lavender Pit copper mine, in operation 1950-74..


Some shots of Bisbee

Up on Juniper Flats, Cochise County.

Mt. B

All Photos-46

Giant artwork and water tank - hillside residential suburb, Bisbee, Arizona

On The Phone

Old abandoned gas station - Lowell ghost town district, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona.

Bisbee, Arizona 85603

Early morning in downtown Bisbee, Arizona, with Tank Hill looming over all.