Blue Bunting

54/365: Subliminal

Golden-Crowned Woodpecker

Back yard view

Another beautiful afternoon in South Texas

The View from The Bridge

Capilla de la Lomita: side view

Black-vented Oriole (Code 5 rarity)

Laviana White-Skipper 3 (Heliopetes laviana)

Laviana White-Skipper 1 (Heliopetes laviana)

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

View of North McAllen

Laviana White-Skipper 2 (Heliopetes laviana)

|Observation Deck View| Hidalgo, Texas: Old Hidalgo Pumphouse and Birding Center

Par 3

Turk's-cap White-Skipper (Heliopetes macaira)

Blue metalmark, male dorsal

White Peacock (Anaftia jatrophae) Butterfly & Shadow

| Town Lake at Firemens Park | 2014-04-26 |

Edinburg Baseball Stadium 2010

Stained glass beauty at OLG

Urbanus dorantes (Dorantes Longtail)

Strymon istapa

Taxostoma longirostre (Long-billed Thrasher)

Pontia protodice (Checkered White)

Pyrgus albescens (White Checkered Skipper)

| National Butterfly Center | Mission, Texas

Taxostoma longirostre (Long-billed Thrasher)

Erythemis plebeja ♀ (Pin-tailed Pondhawk)

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Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Texas

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Heliopetes laviana (Laviana Skipper)

phaon crescent

Amblyscirtes celia (Celia's Roadside Skipper)


Five-striped Leaftail, Phyllogomphoides albrighti

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

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