Ford Speedster

Chevy Nomad

1941 Chevy Deluxe

1950 Ford

Scream'in Eagle

I Give You The Willy's

Chopped Sled

1 Fine 59

Wild Willys

Jimmy's Got The Blues

Baby Blue

Bowtie Vert 4-Door

Now THAT'S a Camaro !!!!!

1950 Ford Custom

Millennium Falcon

Edsel Ranger

Low Down Dub !

The General Lee

1949 Chevrolet 3100

Happy Valentine's Day!

Brown Anole [Explored]

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Boggy Bottom Ranch

Alafia River

Dr. Quinn & Medicine Woman aren't happy that we are at the park.

What the F...?

Airstream (284/365)

Dock in the lake

Abandoned Pier

Alafia River

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)

Enjoying what's left of the weekend...

sunrise in Lakeland

Lake Mirror from Barnett park

White Heron

Lake Mirror, Downtown Lakeland

Chamber of Commerce Kind of Day...

Florida Southern College

Florida Sunrise

a beautiful #Florida #Sky to end the day #blessed #firstday #holiday #december #winterbreak #family

Lake Mirror and Hollis Garden

Bobwhite @Lakeland - IMG_3853 (2)