Autumn greens

walking the labyrinth.....for Rebecca (Red~Star)

look into my eyes....you're getting sleepy, very sleepy

St. Johns River, Psalm 37:6

Well, it was bound to happen.....a bug flipped me off

Mandarin Park, Jacksonville, Psalm 5:11

Alpine Groves Park, St. Johns County, John 4:14

Summer Fun

Back Angle View - Hyundai Genesis Coupe

silver bells....silver bells...it's Christmas time in the swampland

the green leaves of summer

Well my little friend, it's heads....I win!

Spring has sprung!

I'm young, but I think I've figured out what life is all about. Wake up, eat, stay out of direct sunlight, don't get eaten, go to sleep.


St. Johns Town Center, Jacksonville, Psalm 119:105

Summertime.....and the livin' is easy

alien profile

good mornin'

lil' lady

Mandarin Park, Jacksonville, Psalm 16:1

work break

Mandarin, Jacksonville, Psalm 19:1

Mickler's Landing, Psalm 139:9-10

Vegetation at Walter Jones Historic Park


Sawgrass Waterfall

Lunberry Environmental Poem Installation

Sun & Shadow Big Davis Creek

#17LPGA #beautifulday #daytona500week #daytonlpga

Mickler's Landing, Matthew 5:13

St. John's River at Dusk

St. John's River Sunset

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Where I belong.

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