Carolyn Court

Pine Level Grain(?)

Log or Timber Arch Cannon

Carolyn Court

Step aside, Jane Austen

Copper Underwing (corrected!)



Featured Today: La Belle Bride

Video of Rain distorting the locomotive image

Best Western Inn - Selma, North Carolina

Carolyn Court

Barn Spider

Little Brown Jug, Smithfield, NC

Selma NC: Static Display

Dogwood borer

Scudderia nymph

Rain distorting the locomotive image

Soldier beetle

Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth Caterpillar

Antlion adult

Cloud filled sunrise

Snapped Pinetree

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Howell Woods

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WxTweeter© Image

Wetland Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5984

Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5960

Kadro at Howell Woods

Good morning Clayton

Prairie Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5963

Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5966

Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5945

Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5958

WxTweeter© Image

Prairie Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5964

Sunset Walk

Wetland Howell Woods Four Oaks NC 5986