The Poster Child

The Wayfarer Siblings

A view from Pohorje

Boč, a view of the top

A view of Boč

Alpine hut from the viewing platform

Sunken city

Surgery, waiting room and bedroom

Hospital "Jesen"

Cherry Blossom Special

view from pohorje

View from above

Above Slovenske Konjice - a view towards Boč

Slovenske Konjice, view from old castle ruins

Koralpe from viewing tower above MAribor

A view of Ruše

Slovenske Konjice, view from old castle ruins

A view from castle ruins

9235/Bolfenk View

A view from a hayrack

Views from Boč

Betnavski Gozd

Pohorje, Rogla


Štefanija, Pohorje


Pot na Zajčev grad

Južna pot


Boč, Donačka in Ivančica

Krave nad Lukejem



Snowy winter

during the rain

Black lake on Pohorje

Only trees

Winter is here! #honor8

664111 Pragersko

Donačka gora - pogled z Boča

Bistriški Vintgar

Mala gora, Konjiška gora