Sundsvall Cityscape

Sundsvall, Medelpad, Sweden

Knausttrappa 1

Knausttrappa 1

Knausttrappa 5

Selångersån at Sunset I

Knausttrappa 2

It began, tack tack everyone who came for the vernissage of Masters Work - A View of the North. Until 12th of May at Kulturmagasinet.

Knausttrappa 3

Knausttrappa 2

Knausttrappa 4

Selångersån at Sunset II

Knausttrappa 4

Selångersån at Sunset III

Sundsvall panorama view

Knausttrappa 5

Beautiful view

Toward the light

Rödön utanför Sundsvall

The View

A house is a home, even when we've up and goneEven when you're there aloneA house, a house, is a home. #138 #day138 #366 #playlist #time #playlistandphoto #maj #music #benharper #ahouseisahome #bw #sweden #landscape #house #sky #17/5

In just seven short days You'll change your life All of your innocence found You'll even lose a few pounds See yourself making a mint Quality time with your kids Send me your money and I'll change your life #137 #day137 #366 #playlist #time #playlistan

Sundsvall, Sweden

At the edge of the unknown

Lights, camera, action

Out there

г о р о д о к

Early birds

East is east.... West is west...

Forest light - Sundsvall, Sweden


Christmas tree north mountain Sundsvall

senza titolo-800.jpg

Happy sunny day ???? #sunny #sun #smiley #snow

Alnö - 表哥的家

Alno island. Sweden


Going down


Cemetery at Skön's church

Höstmorgon i hamnen