Landscape..... part 7/9... Other parts of photo visit --》@abdul_qadir_yahya #flowers #leaf #river #nice #crystalclear #landscape #green #gardens #taman #fresh #Subahanallah

Landscape..... part 1/9... Other parts of photo visit --》@abdul_qadir_yahya #flowers #leaf #river #nice #crystalclear #landscape #green #gardens #taman #fresh #Subahanallah

Off road trial

Landscape..... part 9/9... Other parts of photo visit --》@abdul_qadir_yahya #flowers #leaf #river #nice #crystalclear #landscape #green #gardens #taman #fresh #Subahanallah

Landscape..... part 6/9... Other parts of photo visit --》@abdul_qadir_yahya #flowers #leaf #river #nice #crystalclear #landscape #green #gardens #taman #fresh #Subahanallah

Landscape..... part 4/9... Other parts of photo visit --》@abdul_qadir_yahya #flowers #leaf #river #nice #crystalclear #landscape #green #gardens #taman #fresh #Subahanallah

Acah2 sumber protein ... #lemaktepu #dagingkerbau #kenduri #kendurikawen #dietfail #kelaut #ridakstech

Inflorescence of Curcuma longa ... #bungakunyit #turmeric #kunyit #plants #ridakstech

Dari Abu Hurairah, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Janganalah jadikan rumah anda seperti kuburan karana syaitan itu lari dari rumah yang didalamnya dibacakan surah Al Baqarah.” (HR. Muslim no. 1860) ps: gambar sekadar hiasan. #rumah #villa

Salam AidilFitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada semua... kosong2 kita... #ramadanends #HariRaya #AidilFitri #aid #HariRayaPuasa #hangatnyaraya #salamkemaafan #AidMubarak

Bab kata pepatah ... seperti pahat dengan penukul... (p/s : gambar sekadar hiasan) #repairatap #topview #bumbung #atap #village #penukul #ridakstech

Increased Student Engagement in the ESL Classroom

Increased Student Engagement in the ESL Classroom

Increased Student Engagement in the ESL Classroom







Fenomena bulan mengambang 'Supermoon' live from jengka... #fullmoon #moon #moonlight #Supermoon #nightview #night #bulanmengambang #bulan #cahayabulan #Jengka

DEAR #netanyahu #zionis #IDF #Israel #Israeli #zionists #ICC4israel #standwithisrael #supportisrael #loveisrael #israelunderfire #israelforever #terrorist #murder #zionisarekillers . If you found this posting via #tag function, this is massage from me. My

Lebaran pertama. Coklat warna temanya.

Alhamdulillah ..... officially become full-time 'Penganggur' from full-time students... #FinalYear #FinalYearResult #EndOfStudentLife #FTSM #UKM #UKMBangi don't forget to pray for gaza, Syria and MH17 #PrayForMH17 #PrayforPalestine #PrayforGaza #prayfors

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