Backyard view

The Chapin House, Niles, MI

Niles, MI Chamber of Commerce

Ciliate external structure

Fluorescent caterpillar under UV lighting

Artomyces pyxidatus

Calpyogeja sp.

Fasciated Dandelion

Drinking fountain

Snow on the outflow

Down the river

Under the bridge

Dowagiac River

Tricia Floriforms sporangia capillitium

Spiral xylem wall

Uncoiled xylem wall

Tiger Swallowtail

Spider on a flower

Damselfly in the sun

Monarch Caterpillar

Green Darner

Six-Pointer Buck

Trillium Ravine

Dowagiac River

Toad Shade (Trillium)

Melt water

Toad Shade (Trillium)

River sunsets

Brefeldia maxima

Spillway ice

Physarum nutans

Falling Tree

Lavender Hill Farm of Niles, Michigan

Trail Marker

Lavender Hill Farm of Niles, Michigan

White Trillium

White Trillium

The Course

Toad Shade (Trillium)

Forest Glen

White Trillium

St. Joe river power plant, MI