Rosmans lefthander 4 2001

Rosmans lefthander 3 2001

Rosmans lefthander 5 2001

Plane from Medan 2001

Simeulue Fisherman 2001

Me & Hanna at Rosmans 2001

Rosmans on-suiteToilet 2001

rosmans losman 2001

Lasikin bridge to coconut grove 2001

roseman & brendan 2001

Micks Gaff 2001

me walking through coconut grove 2001

me walking through coconut grove with buffalo 2001

Bought my own Island 'OFF MY LAND' 2001

hilsen her fra Sumatra.

TPA Simeulue

Late phots????

Late phots????

Late phots????

Late phots????

Late phots????