Former Navy patrol boat

Rocky Pizz(a)!?

El Camino 1960

Been Here A Long Time

pigeons ledge

Firehouse Number Five

Love in the Rafters.

Window into the fog

Big Red

Fallen 2008.10.24

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (63 of 63)

Olympic Inn

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (60 of 63)

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (61 of 63)

Grays Harbor and paper

Page 40

We're headin on home, and the sun sets behind us....

High Rigging

Great view, day 2 of scaffolding

Olympics 2010 Day 1 (16 of 17)

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (57 of 63)

Window Box, Aberdeen Wash

Nuclear Nature

Aberdeen, Washington

Down by the River

Purple Bells

sunset at Grays Harbor

Aberdeen WA . Bridge

Aberdeen WA Dec. 14, 2014

Snowy Road

Aberdeen WA .

The Two Towers

Underneath The Bridge, Top Has Sprung A Leak

No Kinda Houseboat

Bateau surprise

White is nice

Simpson AVE bridge

Photo that nearly cost me my life

Hillside of the Dead

Lake Sylvia Bridge

From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah