A View to a Tree

Water, water...

Dew Drop- Black Eyed Susan

Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

Tulip 'Princess Irene'

Not exactly in the rear view, but last visit for a while #wpi #lca #pizeta

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt with Blackberries and Strawberry Popping Boba

Asiatic Lily

Wooberry Frozen Yogurt with Blueberries and Kiwi

At the south summit view

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 46

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 762

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 43

Free at Last

Higgins Armory

Corporators Ball 2017: Heavenly

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 390

Corporators Ball 2017: Heavenly

European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola)

Blizzard of 2013 - Westboro - basement door shot

Three Leaves

Mr. Blue Sky

Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) feathering

transformer and landscaping

Moore State Park Falls

Somewhere Only We Know

Nature Versus Nurture

Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Polaroid)

December sun

Out of ideas today, so grass

Winter Sunrise [still waiting]

Spring day

A Warm Morning

Swan Scene

Massachusetts really doesn't want us to leave.

Moore State Park Falls in Winter

Moore State Park

Morning on the Assabet

Rocks and Trees

Pearl Cresent (Phyciodes tharos)

Morning Walk

Sea of Blood (14)