Welcome To My Nightmare

Barbara - second wife of Edward

307/365 - Five Mile Pond, Kind of Blue

Wampanoag in the Long House

Hey, Wanna Buy a Duck?

Sunlight on the Waterfront

Tide Pool Sunrise in Plymouth, Massachusetts

Backdoor View

189/365 - Boats at Rest

Solitary drop

Caitlin & Luke.

Town Neck Beach Salt Marsh, Cape Cod

Plimoth Plantation - 1627 English Village

in the harbor. . . .

A settler's wife

Two Women

Stephen Hopkins, take 2

Town and sea

Buzzards Bay railroad control tower

Shawme Pond

Just slightly different than the view I've posted before! #nogolfersinthesnow

Sandbar Town Neck Beach Cape Cod MA

Stranger in a Strange Land

Manomet Point

Sunset in Pocasset

Walk to the Beach

Morning Glow

East Head Pond

Red Light

Boardwalk and Marsh

Thunderstorm clears.

Manomet Point

My afternoon office... ????????????

Manomet Point

Makepeace Farms, Wareham

Plymouth #perksofquitting

A Storm Approaches

Boardwalk and Marsh

Quest For Fire


William Ave. Pathway
