Baptism Site, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, Jordan

Jordan river. Area near convent of St. John (Bethany/Baptism Site)


Tell Ghassul. Identified as site of Sodom and Gomorrah. E. of Jordan, N. of Dead Sea (Teleilat el-Ghassul)


Jordan River. Showing place of baptism, Convent of St. John and new Abyssinian building. Dead Sea in distance

Jordan River. A general view looking south from above the Allenby bridge, Dead Sea seen in distance

Jordan River. A general view looking north from above the Allenby bridge

Jordan entering the Dead Sea. Looking S. showing mts. of Moab in distance

Jordan. A general view. Showing calcareous barren foothills. View looking south

Jordan with Jabbok and Wady Faraa tributaries. Looking up stream




Exit strategy

Jericho street view

Jericho. Taken above the Ain Sultan road looking S [looking WSW]

Kafrein; Wadi el-Kafrein; Wadi Shu'eib; Wadi Deir Abu es-Suwwan

Jordan River Valley

Tree of Zacchaeus

Jordan River Valley

1085 Churches Of Bethany

Bethany Beyond the Jordan.

Late afternoon drive at Winter Valley - Jordan.

deserted desert

Iraq Al-Amir Palace (Caves of the Prince) - Jordan.

Iraq Al-Amir Palace (Caves of the Prince) - Jordan.

Qasr al-Abd (Palace of the Servant) c.200 BCE Hellenistic West Wall Lion & Cub (2)



The Dead Sea

MF taking in the Desert landscape

Teleilat el-Ghassul



Qasr al-Abd (Palace of the Servant) c.200 BCE Hellenistic Interior (2)

Qasr al-Abd (Palace of the Servant) c.200 BCE Hellenistic East Wall Front

Qasr al-Abd (Palace of the Servant) c.200 BCE Hellenistic (2)

Wadi as-Seer Caves of the Prince (Iraq al-Amir) (2)

Wadi as-Seer Caves of the Prince (Iraq al-Amir) Mysterious Carved Stone Dovecote?

Wadi as-Seer Caves of the Prince (Iraq al-Amir)