The woodpecker woods

Bermuda Lounge

Petals & Sepals: Best Buds

Fore for four!

Water Feature Star

Mossy Oak

In The Wild

Side View (1.8.13)

Blue Sunset Heron

Anadarko Clouds

Ya Ya Han - Anime Matsuri 2012

Not a bad view. #LakeWoodlands #TheWoodlands #TX #Sunset

our view while hiking this afternoon...

Yaya Han - Anime Matsuri 2012

"bird's eye view...the evening bath"

Alexstrasza - Anime Matsuri 2012


Mirror Mirror

Anime Matsuri 2012

Yaya Han.

Glass Reflection

Pond and Fountain at Timberloch Place


North Shore Park

Straight Ahead Taos High Road

Photo Art-4

Coming to you live from atop the #TheWoodlandsPavilion #TheWoodlandsTX #Evening #BikeRide #Cycling #sunset

Symmetric Worlds

Good morning!

Waking around

Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) M

Simetría Matinal

Out for a ride. #Cycling

A partial #cloudy #sunset with a #bird in flight. #Evening #BikeRide #LakeWoodlands #TheWoodlands #TheWoodlandsTX #TX #IgOfHouston #Cycling

Evening bike ride #LakeWoodlands

The Office Lake [323/365]