barred spiral beauty.
Flower Garden: Strykersville, New York (NY)
Maxon Road Panorama: Varysburg, New York (NY)
Cold Winter Morning at Emery Park (DTA_2935)
Reflections: Beaver Meadow Wildlife Refuge: North Java, New York (NY
Pond: Beaver Meadow Wildlife Refuge: North Java, New York (NY)
A Long Walk
Waldfest 2009 - Spring Garden Park
Arcade & Attica Railroad: North Java, New York (NY)
A Freezing Wake-Up Call...
Autumn Meadow: Beaver Meadow Wildlife Refuge, North Java, New York (NY)
cloudy space.
Emery Park T-Bar bottom 3
Snowy Pine Tree at the School (black and white)
Stonybrook Creek
Stony Brook Creek
Fall Greetings from Emery Park, South Wales, New York (NY) (DTA_0831)
The Autumn Woods of Emery Park (DTA_0847)
By the Fence, Moody Morning at Emery Park (DTB_4797)
Winter Morning at Emery Park (DTA_2928)
Stonybrook Creek
Stony Brook Creek
Lower Emery Falls Up Close, Emery Park, South Wales, New York (NY) (DTA_1233)
Waterfalls of Emery Park, Lower B (DTA_1223)
Serene Power
Java Lake Road pond
Lower Emery Falls, Emery County Park (DTA_1227)
South Emery Falls, Emery Park, South Wales, New York (NY) (DTA_1320)
Yellow Alley at Emery Park (DTA_0817)
Dry Creek Bed Full of Red (DTA_0846)
Falling Life
At the Edge of a Meadow (DTA_0851)
Wyoming County, NY
The Warm & The Cold (DSH_7233)
Stony Brook Creek