CSX Q008 in Sidney, Ohio

Backpack EDC viewed from Top

The view from 35 ft.

Courthouse - Shelby County, Ohio. Closer view.

Nothing like an AFTER workout view of dawn...




Ohio sunrise 3

Ohio sunrise 4

The Big Four Bridge

Lake Loramie, Minster, OH

19 Revisited


Lake Loramie

Amtrak Big Four

Stoker Road folly

Fish Pond Tawawa Park

Silent Alone

Lake Loramie Minster, OH

Tawawa Park Sidney, OH

Good Thursday Evening!!! Have a DYNAMITE night!

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Good Thursday Evening!!! Have a DYNAMITE night!

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Angry Sky! Have a DYNAMITE Labor Day Evening!

Good Wednesday / Hump Day Morning! Have a DYNAMITE day! ;)

Thanks, Southwest!

Soccer Practice to wrap up the weekend's activities.