Downtown Columbus

Ring in Yellow

In Your Face

Wildlights 2009 (explored?)


Mossy Forest

Day 185 - Flowers n' Fences

Beautifully Horizontal

Bus Stop Bokeh

Evening Sky in Columbus

Day 210 - Summer is for Riding

Bear Bottom

My current view.

Day 205 - Colorful Getaway

Campus in Constant Flux

Day 190 - Unnaturally Green

1969 Dodge RT

Wildlights 2009

Downtown Reflected

Sacred Cow

Smooth Contrast

Hayden Falls

Indian Run Falls

Hayden Run Falls

Olentangy in Winter

Antrim Lake

Hayden Falls3

Song Sparrow

Spring storm

Hayden Run Falls

At the park with @cappuccinofrosting & @krangus

Ohio's Capital City

Goodbye storm

afternoon delight

Sharon Woods 030

On a Road Near You...

Columbus Ohio Riverfront

Hayden Falls

Blue Chest Bird

Hayden Falls

I heart fall skies

At sunset