Mississippi Sunset

Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Old Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Views of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge


Same Puddle...Different View

Mississippi River - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

08-18-12; Capitol Annex, Downtown Baton Rouge, Mississippi River as viewed from the observation deck of the state capitol, Baton Rouge LA #capitolannex #capitol #capitolcomplex #capitolbuilding #downtown #downtownbatonrouge #downtownbatonrougela #downtown

Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi) - Louisiana

Red Star Nights


Views of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge

Capitol View

Deep Depth of Clover Field (105)

January 27 Friday

HDR Capitol House Hotel Layered HDR

Louisiana State Capitol Building, Baton Rouge, LA.

Same view different day. Happy Freyja's Day World!

Old Louisiana State Capitol Building

Good Morning

the Riverfront at dusk


Mist on the River

Sunset on the Mississippi River

sunrise meeting

Louisiana Sunset

Baton Rouge wakes up...

Pennington Balloon Fest Sunrise

From The Bay to BTR

Paradise Lost

after the fall

7th day leftovers

Sun finally!

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

LSU Lakes

End of Summer

a day without friends is like a day without sunshine...

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

withjulie 054

Wishing us each time-enough <3

Communing with these beautiful faces <3 Cher t hearts