Salmon Lake

Tiny Dancer

Rosie on Blocks

Brush-tipped Emerald [ Somatochlora walshii ] male

Salmon Lake Camp

Seeley Lake Montana/this photo is untouched. the sky was that color!

Spiny Baskettail [ Epitheca spinigera ] male

Fall hike to Morrell Falls

Salmon Lake, Montana (south of Seeley Lake)

Seeley Lake, Montana Sunset

At Salmon Lake Camp

D70-0515-071 - Mount Henry

Seeley Lake Montana

Salmon Lake

McDonald Peak

D70-0515-072 - Mission Mountains

Placid Creek

Call me Ansel

20070722_USA_Greenough (1_800 seconds, F2.80, ISO 80) 369

Brush-tipped Emerald [ Somatochlora walshii ] male

Salmon Lake

Salmon Lake

Jocko Fire Area

Pond at the Double Arrow Resort, Seeley Lake, Montana

Another day in the woods

Seeley Lake

Landing at Seeley Lake Airport