It's Not Pollen

Stateline Marker Old Firetower

My Favorite Dragonfly

Abandoned DE Diner- rear view

Abandoned Diner in Delaware along US-13

Apologies to my contacts

No Umbrella Needed, No Cache No More

Blest be the tie that binds...

Little Yellow Bugs

Side View of Pet Emporium

Girls Caching Team

Black-headed Grosbeak

TrackHead Studios - National Bohemian

Plaque at Stateline Marker

Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware

Death Valley Dunes

IMG_0782 Dickcissel


Royal Farms Field

Autumn Sunset

Hindwing with Ray

To Lakeview

Abandoned 2

Meditation Point

Pile of Hay

Marshy Hope

Fields, U.S. 13, Bridgeville, Delaware

rt. 13

Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware

Meditation Point

on the borderline

liden school road monument