Sun To Their Backs

One Day...

An Arcadian Evening Laid To Rest

Far Away From Here

Mt Rainier - Afternoon Monochrome

All Hearts Will Beat Again

"The View From Here"

7 STARS in a row

B&W Silverdale Pond Relfections

Same View Different Treatment (198/365)

Rocky Shoreline

The Perils of Eroding Into The Sound

Dragonfly Eyes Macro Nikon D90 Raynox DCR-250

Sunset at Alki

Streaking Back

Enjoying Fish & chips and the view #InstaSize #bainbridge #pnwisbest

Be Still

It's Alive

Loooooong Exposure test... Brownsville Marina, Nikon D90 "5 minute exposure"

Collect Yourself

Driftwood (244/365)

Going Coastal

Sunrise Over Mt Rainer (3/365)

Blake Island Blue, Seattle

Radioactive Alki

Don't let TIME pass you by...

Port Orchard Marina

Buck Moon

Port Orchard Waterfront

I'm Sad to Go

Shore Light

A Ferry Colourful Evening

If you don't like the weather... wait 5 minutes

Lincoln Park Stroll

Silhouette Blue... (Explore)

Another Sound Sunset (350/365)


I could get used to this #seattlerules #epicsunsets #springlivin #lurvinit

Misty shores

The sun making its way thru the clouds over Seattle

365-209 - first sunset of july