Pier Sunrise

Under the Pier

Florida Life: Blues

Beach Scene, Blowing Rocks Preserve

Florida Life: Coral Cove Sunrise

Florida Life: Sunrise At The Pier

Juno Beach Pier


Juno Beach

An artist fixes his imagination in a tangible form called a photograph ~ Ken Rockwell

Mountain View

A balcony in Juno Beach ©®

Giant Swallowtail in flight

Jupiter Inlet

Great-crested Flycatcher-RBP-9469

Tall Grass and Lighthouse

Overpass at Night

Jupiter Lighthouse

Observation Tower View

Tree-Top View

Juno Beach Pier

Sunrise, dune grass, coconut palm trees, beach.

Heading Out

Juno Beach Pier Sunrise Vertical Rich Wave Flow

Coral Cove/Blowing Rocks Jupiter (Explored 6-15-4 #74)

Florida Life: Trip The Light Fantastic

Cloudy Day Lighthouse

Jupiter Sunrise

Jupiter Light Beam

Florida Life: Lighthouse Of The Rising Sun

Blue Sky Hiking Trail

Florida Life: Juno Beach Sunset

Colorful Jupiter Light

Palm Sunday

Sunrise at a beach - this is blowing rocks - which is coral

One afternoon in Blowing Rocks Preserve. ©®

Sunrise on the rocks