Oswego Ny ~ Walton and Willett Stone Store ~ HIstoric Commericial Building

Oswego Harbor Sunset 2018

The Salmon and Steelhead FISH RUN is ON! - Mid Day Prime Transitional Fish Holding Spots for the Salmon River in Pulaski NY

Drift Boat Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY Fishing Guide

The Salmon and Steelhead FISH RUN is ON! - Temporary Transitional Resting Current Break guide Tips to help YOU catch more fish on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY

Prime Fall, Winter and Spring Fish Holding Current Break Pools for steelhead and salmon on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY

3 Prime and Basic Current Breaks in every pool you should know about to help YOU catch more fish on the Salmon River Pulaski NY

Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY Advanced Fish Location guide Tips to help YOU catch more salmon and steelhead

What helps to induce a BIG FISH RUN of Steelhead or Salmon when fishing the Salmon River Pulaski NY

Harlequin Duck, Oswego Co.

Oswego Ny ~ Walton and Willett Stone Store ~ HIstoric Commericial Building

Lake Ontario Summer

Oswego Harbor

Fort Ontario

Revolutionary War Hero

Oswego Industrial Track

NYC/R,W & O RR Tunnel, Oswego, NY

O & W ROW At Oswego, NY

They Say Lake Ontario Pack Ice is NOT Solid

Roommate 1975

Oswego NY River Dam

Oswego Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse ~ Oswego NY

Day's End - Lake Ontario, Oswego, New York

Fort Ontario Sunset Part I

Oswego Shore, Winter

Sunset Over Oswego Lighthouse - Oswego, NY

Fort Ontario Sunset Part II

Foggy water

Outer Walls of Ft. Ontario

Oswego Power Plant from the Beach

Drones and Fishing

By the Shore of the Lake

Oswego, 1981

Eerie Light Over Lake Ontario

Nuclear Power Plant

Lake Ontario Sunset

Oswego Harbor Lighthouse

The Imminent Approach of Lake Effect Snow

A Long Exposure of Lake Ontario

Nuclear Power

Frozen Harbor with Approaching Storm