Day 1239 - Wilson (Seriously People, No More Pictures Of The Dog For A While, It's Getting Ridiculous)


Sunrise through the piers

Myrtle Beach star trails

South Carolina Sunrise

A stagnant pool of stinking water, nestled in a depression between a small general aviation airport and the backside of a stripmall in North Myrtle Beach.


NMB Silver & Blue

The Blue Macaw

View from the (almost) top

2015-06-06 Myrtle Beach Dawn_0003a

Beach Baby

Shell Solarized

Balcony view of daybreak over the Atlantic Ocean and Cherry Grove Pier

Anticipating morning

Sunrise as viewed from the balcony

Looking north along the coast from the pier at Windy Hill Beach - 1966

2015-06-05 Day One Sunset_0051a

Sunrise as viewed from the balcony

North Myrtle Beach in HDR

Checking the View

Day 901 - Sunset Over The Marsh

A wave crashes along the NC/SC boundary

Sunrise at Windy Hill-1333

old man & the sea

Just before sunrise at the beach ????????


Reflections Redux

Coquina Harbor

"Super" moon on May 5, 2012

Castles in the sand

Beachcombing 265/365

Black-crowned Night Herons

#baywatch #myrtlebeach #vacation

Thunderstorm approaching Sea Trail.




It will all be under water soon.

The morning blues again...

House of Blues
