Le Sabre


Weldon and Vivian Borland Grave

Carroll County, Ohio

Dress shoulderboards, Union Major General

Tractor porn...

'31 Ford

Alyce Marie Borland Grave

Goodbye Mr. Chips...

Carroll County Courthouse - 1865


James and Catherine (Walker) Borland

View in Carrollton

Borland Grave

My Camaro at Long View Cemetery

Flying Ford...

Brass & burgundy...

View From Atwood Lodge

Tractor Row...

Lane 8

Smoke gets in her eyes...

OHCR 8565 Jewett Scio Route 151 Hillside Ballast Train 12/3/14

W&LE 6352 Leesville 212 10/17/14

W&LE 3102 Route 151 Overpass Jewett Scio 632 11/16/14

Long View Cemetery

Mineral Rights

CSX 7820 Bowerston Tunnel Hill Road NPT Q711 6/5/16

Fog on Leesville Lake

The puck stops here

Sunset at Leesville Lake

Fireball over Ohio

The devil's due

W&LE 644 New Rumley Road Jewett 6383


Sunset at Leesville Lake

CSX 390 Jewett Overlook OHCR Q710 Trash Train 5/1/16

George Kail Grave

Jewett, Ohio. WE212

W&LE 3034 Jewett Rt151 Bridge EB Sand Train 9/8/13

No troll under the bridge

Leesville Lake

W&LE 108 Jewett Rt151 Bridge 213 9/8/13