Dancing in the light

The Spring View

To the other side

On Pink Ice Pond

Buttermilk Falls, Terryville, Connecticut

Buttermilk Falls HDR Pano

HorseShoe Falls pano

Watcher in the Tower, Castle Largo_circa 1880

Autumn on Horseshoe Falls

Rejoicing I

Topsmead State Park

Direct Hit

Where You Lead, I Will Follow You

Sunset at Cedar Lake

A mozzarella and basil panini's point of view

Almost Angelic

Making of Michael Jackson Portrait in Beads

Autumn in Connecticut

Woodlands Edge Moss bed

Orange VW Super Beetle

The Boy Who Would Be King

Autumn Colors

Autumn Colors

Autumn Colors

Autumn Colors

Teal Pond - White Memorial

Storm clouds make their move.

Autumn Colors

Connecticut Pastoral Setting

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The Lone Apple Tree

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Corn rows.

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Pink sky #nofilter

Summer's End

Let's go Pink Dragons!