Eyes wide shut

Waalbrug bij Nijmegen

Haps bij nacht

Mercedes-Benz 170 SD 1953 (3714)

"De Oversteek" 3

Go with the flow, Driel The Netherlands

What's that???

'Doctor Long John' - SDB 2010 Loïc Tasquier - A173 : Dale Dennis x Bedford Lilac

'Amoureuse' - SDB - (Loïc TASQUIER, R. 2015) - E296B: Fingertips X C055A: (Biggetje's sib A010J x Cold Snap)

Leinenfest _MW54869-Bearbeitet

wild rose

View from Kranenburger Bruch at Mehr

Road to hell (view large!)

View from Kranenburger Bruch at church of Kranenburg

1.35 pm

Light painting on metal

A Perfect View

Up in the air

Akelei transparant (Aquilegia)

Under the bridge

Eelke (b&w)

Just around the bend

Het licht achterna

Autumn landscape

Trees and their shadows

Sheep on the slope

Golden forest

Trees leaving the forest.....

The result from a nice sun up!

On a sunny autumn day in November

On a sunny day in November

On a sunny day in autumn

Sunny Snowday's End


Sunset near the Schuytgraaf in Arnhem - Netherlands

Different Aspects Of Light (See Big)

Wildgänse im Abendrot

Sunset near Arnhem - Netherlands

Landscape near Wyler

Kranenburger Bruch - Reeds

Kranenburger Bruch - Greylag Geese

Common scorpion fly (Mecoptera) in Groesbeek, The Netherlands