
Aerial View - Evening Clouds

Waldweg - Forest Path

Herbstwald - Autumn Forest

Herbstwald - autumn forest

Bahngleise - Rail Tracks

Winterwald - Winter Forest

Bahngleise leicht bedeckt mit Schnee - Railroad tracks slightly covered with snow

Häuschen - Cottage

Geister Wolfsrudel - Ghost wolf pack

Geisterluchse - ghosts lynx

Verregneter Frühlingstag in Bayern - Rainy spring day in Bavaria

Geist - Ghost

Hütte im Wald - Cabin in the Woods

Brunnen - Fountain

Boat in the lake

Allee im Herbst - Avenue in autumn

Clouds crawling over the hills at Dusk in Bavaria

Cham in der Oberpfalz

Hochwasser Roding 2011

Hütte im Wald - Hut in the woods

Run to the Hills

Vanessa cardui, female / Painted Lady / Babočka bodláková, samice