This is the end...

Einflugschneise - Air Corridor

Fleißig / Busy

120 208 / DB Regio // Blankenberg (Sieg) / Oktober 2013

mandarin erpel

Little White House

Traffic Post

Nach dem Gewitter / After the thunderstorm

... sometimes the backside view is more interesting ...

Last stop before you reach the end...

YAMP 21/8/5 build from six one-piece modules

Two Snowflakes Combined - conventional way

another way to use Dirk Eisners Square Cross Module idea derived from Francis Ows Snowflake Module idea - finished cross - CP - module - backside view

another way to use Dirk Eisners Square Cross Module idea derived from Francis Ows Snowflake Module idea - finished cross - CP - module - front view

backside view closed 3D heart

gottfried böhm, bensberg town hall, 1962-1967

flowers on my balcony

gottfried böhm, bensberg town hall, 1962-1967

Zaunkönig / Wren

Late summer landscape

Lunch companion

Licht und Schatten im Wald

Wieder Zuhause

Furchen / Furrows

Groov, Cologne, Germany

Forest scene

Frühling 1.4

Waldgras II

Wintersaat / Winter Seed

Golden summer 2010

Cologne Bonn Airport

Erste Frühlingsboten


Abendlicht im Wald

Cologne Bonn Airport


Forest scene


Neues Leben im Herbst

Wahner Heide

Autumn III