House of The Lord
Backlit at Lake Grinnell
Melody Lake Evening_14560
Silas Condict Park_2633
The Wig-Wag
Original Pequannock River Bridge
Sussex Rail Trail_3318
Sussex Rail Trail_3316
Silas Condict Park_2631
Weldon Brook Lake_8636-8638
Clinton Reservoir Sunset_10322
Silas Condict Park_2629
House of The Lord
Look Up!
Stewardship Forest_6521
Melody Lake Panorama_0802-0804
Cloudy Day At Melody Lake_3616
Hamburg NJ Fire Department_5968
Stewardship Forest_6519
Silas Condict Park Panorama_15137-15140
Otterhole Road Pond_15861
Dance of the wisps
Franklin Pond 8
Melody Lake In Winter 2012_5342
Melody Lake_0055
Nosenzo Pond_17115-17117
Summer sunset on the lake
West Milford Teen Center_12304
Find Rupert Pumpkin #7
Melody Lake_0065
Silas Condict Park Panorama_15133-15136
Weldon Brook Lake_8641-8644
Bubbling Springs Panorama_0191-0193
Rockaway River Jefferson_13308
Lake Effect Storm Clouds
Melody Lake_Panorama_3474-3476
Melody Lake In Winter 2012_5346
Westbrook Road_1435