Waves Cresting

Bridgman traffic light

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Fall Walk - Explore

New Buffalo mansion

Barriers - Color

Beautiful Lake Michigan

For this one I paired the small creek "Deer Creek" with its setting: a collection of late October foliage on a sunny day.

Winter Forest

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

New Buffalo Beach

Lake View

Chandeleur Gull (Herring x Kelp hybrid)

Halfway Up...

A View from the Top

A Day in the Dunes

A Day in the Dunes

Galien River County Park

Disappearing Trail - Explore

Summer in December

Road of Shadows

Walking Trail

Looking Up

New Buffalo Beach

Fall Colors

Bright Red

Beach Grasses in the Sun

Beach Sunset

Summer Rain

Shifting sands

Weko Beach Waves

Sunset and Storm

Rainy Forest

Colorful Finish

Grand Mere Park Forest