Holiday Inn West - Macon, Georgia

Waiting to get in

bibb county georgia

Southern 630

bibb county georgia

Stage in a farm field

Pond in Spring

bibb county georgia

Southern Pearly-eye

261/366: Wearing Orange

bibb county georgia

rose hill cemetery macon georgia

St. Joseph's Catholic Church - Macon, Georgia #stjosephscatholicchurch #catholic #church #visitmaconga #maconga #bibbcounty #georgia #placeofworship #structure #building #architecture #picoftheday #picturedixie #picturesque #landmark #landscape #view #exp

View from Room 705

Silvery Checkerspot

rose hill cemetery macon georgia

rose hill cemetery macon georgia

Hackberry Emperor

Unidentified band

Peace Flag

Morning Gold

Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day


Macon Morning


Eating some fish and pig on the lake. Can't beat it.

34/365: Gutter


Grades are in. @MidGaStCollege

Shine On

Leverett Cemetery Gate

2009 May-400

Georgia Forest

Little Yellow

Boulevard Night

rose hill cemetery bibb county georgia


My Dad's Backyard