La felicità non è una meta, e nemmeno un viaggio. È un sentiero tortuoso, un tramonto in un paesaggio. È lì per sparire... ed è lì per tornare.

Juvenile Snowy Egret on the Hunt

L'ancienne jetée de Naples, Floride

Ocelot - Leopardus pardalis

Naples Pier

Down Under

Heaven (Panorama) - 25 Pictures at 17mm

Almost Gone... Goodbye 2007

La jetée de Naples

Lion Photographed Through Chain Link

White Tiger

The Final Countdown (Sunday PM)

A Wise Ass in every Crowd

Pricey Palm

Ocelot with the Sun at its Face at the Naples Zoo

The Final Countdown (Monday PM)

Old Glory

La via verso la luce della speranza....

Fosa (Formerly Fossa) Resting at the Naples Zoo, Florida

Tree Tunnel

Under the Pier

Ominous Sky

Naples, Florida

Naples Beach

Mummy Shroud Clouds

Our Song


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A Wednesday Evening at the Pier

Naples Zoo & Botanical Gardens in IR

Naples Pier, Florida -

Tropical Walkway


White Peacock (Anartia jatrophae).

Typically Naples


Night Photography in Naples Florida

Rough surf on a windy day

Fishing from the Pier at Sunset

#naples #pier #beach #florida