had to try it!

!! "golden fall has come" !!

after the storm

#iznik #lake #view

On the edge

come with me to the festival

flash of the hurdacı

here comes another one...

Rock A

A dog and two ladies

Rock B

pods in a pot

#iznik #lake #view

A calm place for a picnic


'my' gate

Hagia Sophia, Iznik, Bithynia

City Walls, Iznik, Bithynia

Bocak Hagiasma, Iznik, Phrygia

Hipstamatic 08.2011


İznik Antik Roma Tiyatrosu

Slowdown #sunset #iznik #izniklake #camping #slowlife

İznik Antik Roma Tiyatrosu

Süleyman Paşa Medrese

City Walls, Iznik, Bithynia


Hagia Sophia, Iznik, Bithynia

Günbatımında iskeleye çarpan dalgalar...

Bocak Hagiasma, Iznik, Bithynia


Camping at the iznik lake #iznik #izniklake #camping

Iznik (Nicaea) Theatre Orchestra & Cavea (2)
