307/365 - Five Mile Pond, Kind of Blue

Hey, Wanna Buy a Duck?

Sunlight on the Waterfront

189/365 - Boats at Rest

Dad looks at the marshland view from the end of the boardwalk.

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps) - Ipswich form - dorsal view

Cataumet School House 3

Town Neck Beach Salt Marsh, Cape Cod

Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod

in the harbor. . . .

U. S. Post Office 1:15 PM

Lunch at the Lobster Trap in Bourne. Sweet views.

Rusty Blackbird

Monument Beach

Shawme Pond

Waterfront Trail, Ant's View

After Peebles Elementary School Arbor Day Assembly, school children, GC members, parents , community leaders viewed Aptucxet junior gardeners plant 3 Catalpa saplings, assisted by historian John York

Clouded Beach

Another view from below

King Eider s DSC_1624

Our view during #dinner last night. #Horizons restaurant at the end of the #CapeCod Canal in #Sandwich #massachusetts #instatraveling #instagram #instalike #capecodlife #bestofcapecod #travel

Sandbar Town Neck Beach Cape Cod MA

2013-01-02 14.59.21

Walk to the Beach

2013-01-03 14.48.20

Sunset in Pocasset

Barnstable Harbor

Red Light

Boardwalk and Marsh

2010-07-22 18.27.17


2013-01-02 14.54.31

Megansett Harbor

Golden Sunset

#morning #water #sky #light #nature #beauty #capecod #blue #spring #thaw #peace

cranberry bog harvest at sunset

Thunderstorm clears.

Boardwalk and Marsh

sandy neck

Monumental Sunset

My afternoon office... ????????????
