Grasshopper Porn

Hopper Hangout

A Bee After My Own Heart

front yard view

Greetings Earthling

View of the valley. Inspiration and beauty all around.

1305 Troop of Coati

Started my run at 6am to this beautiful view

Dragoon Mountains


Snow Covered Hills

Distant city lights

Palmer agave

In Between

Light on the Mountains

Looking into the Valley

The Whetstones

Panorama of the San Pedro Valley

Snowy Whetstones

Kartchner Caverns State Park Panorama

The Battleship


Blurred green

Kartchner Caverns State Park Mountains

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Pinal Schist

Green Grass and Junkyard Hidden by Fence 20090720

1212 Agave and a hint of Fall Color

Whetstone cliffs